Is 'Righteous Journalism' Fading Away?


                          Whenever we hear the words ‘Globalization’ and 'Localization’’; it shows us how much things have become influenced by thoughts and deeds. In this ever increasing challenge, there is a question even on the modern journalism. To what extent is the field of journalism ready to take up the challenge of maintaining its ethics and showing up itself as the fourth pillar of democracy?
                          Righteous journalism is not something which is made out of definitions, or learned from theories. It is all about how ‘we’ provide and ‘they’ receive. It is about laying and maintaining the foundations on the strong rock of truth and justice. Even in the hardest and stressful times, maintaining the integrity towards the public. It is also about preserving the credibility which has been gained throughout the decades. Looking at the modern high speed race which the latest technology has provided; it gives immense surprise the way things are done nowadays. The advancement in the field of communication can also be looked as a tool which enables any modern organization of journalism to hold on the trophy among many other.

                     In this daily competition of providing “news first”, is the field of journalism losing its values and becoming a fake medium of creating rumors just for the sake of money? Is there something called  'righteousness' ever given an importance in this field? Are journalists able to maintain themselves as the holders of the fourth pillar of democracy. I guess it is the change which has taken over the time. The era in which we live has provided such a challenge to the field that it has to shape itself with different perspectives and not stick on to the grand old ethics which were suitable three decades ago.

                         It is true, in a way, that righteous journalism is fading away. Each media organization is trying its best to be the first to provide news. The race on the front line is making each and every person involved to come up with something which will increase the readership and the viewership. As a media organization belonging to a particular country, the organization also has the responsibility of safeguarding and maintaining the identity and culture of the nation or region. But in this present context of globalization, is it not that the media is being influenced by ideas initiated from the west and are being edited and made suitable for the nation. To what extent are those ideas suitable for our country?

                         The greatest comment on this issue would be that, media has become part and partial of the lifestyle of the people involved in media. Either we are being the ones who make this righteous journalism fade or we are the ones who look at it and keep silence. So, it is not time to ask questions and evaluate whether the ethics are fading or not. But it is time for us to realize that “it is” fading and we need to work on it. When the balance between business and the field’s ethics are maintained; then there is a positive process towards a successful media, which is righteous.


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