A Bird Knows Better..

by Eby

Under that tree
Two lovers sat for hours.
Did nothing,
But looked at each others' eyes.

Later one child came,
Played for few minutes,
Gained nothing,
But collected few sticks.

A group of boys came,
Smoked for few minutes,
Found nothing,
But told that place was "cool".

Lovely girls came,
Talked about their friend's beauty,
Realized nothing,
But worried about their own.

An old man and his wife came,
Said they were in an empty-nest,
Felt nothing,
But they were left alone.

But, a bird came flying,
Wanted to build a nest in that tree.
Found that humans used to come here,
And decided not live there.
It said flying away,
"Life is much better,
Without these complicated souls near".


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