Principles of Radio and Television Management

“Why this kolaveri di?” becomes the first musical video spreading like virus on the music net, which has created a history in the Indian broadcasting. If this sudden and accidental uploading and viewing has an immense impact, which can make it in one of the leading views of You-tube worldwide, the basics for the present broadcasting in India has to be questioned. What Principles of Broadcasting would work with such pregnant potentiality seen on the web arising from India? Does this mean that the present Principles of Radio and Television broadcasting need close attention? Is there a need for the media management to come up with much more various principles?

With the increasing advancement of the technology, the broadcasting media has to be revised and looked back throughout the past few decades with much changing trends. The many different perspectives which have made the broadcasting media to be defined with various new elements, also questions the basic assumptions and principles which make the framework of broadcasting. The limited word ‘broadcasting” which included only Radio and Television during the past decades, has increased in its list with new additions, which were the results of the advanced and rapid growth in the communication systems during the last one decade.

Through all these changes and growth, media being the fourth pillar in a democracy, has to maintain itself within few principles which will hold on the media as the fourth pillar. But in the present Indian context, is it worth maintaining such systems of broadcasting within the rigid body of principles, which are expected to be commercially potential instruments. Even though maintaining one broadcasting system within the principles is challenging at present, media is having the responsibility to do so. As long as the media tries to assure itself within the boundaries of the Principles of Broadcasting, it becomes a true and integral part of democracy. The principles give the media a framework to maintain its integrity and also to confirm to the ethics. Every move done by the organization will be scrutinised through this narrow filters of Principles. But will the media’s broadcasting under such principles provide what the audience need and can it assure the expected profit?

Generally in any media management we fine the principles such as, being objective, specialization, span of control, authority and responsibility, unity of command, the scalar principle, equity and many more. But apart from them, the management of a broadcasting organization has to hold to some particular principles, especially in an Indian context. The few principles being discussed below are some of the challenges kept before the management of various media organizations.

One of the basic principles which a radio and television management holds is that, “we are trustees of a public service”. With the current context of Indian broadcasting showing out increasing competition day by day, with becoming a country having one of the leading number of broadcasts in the world, how can the broadcasting organizations ensure that they work within this principle. As the trustees of public service, they have been gaining the credibility of the listeners and audiences throughout the past decades. But is the present growth in the others kinds of media such as internet, provide a space for the media organizations to come up with news which is truth and just. Compared to the immense competition between other kinds of media, the broadcasting of Radio and TV needs to be looked through clearly to ensure a trustworthy broadcasting without sensationalism as well as safe guarding their credibility which makes them the trustees of the public service.

Another one of the principle of broadcasting is that, to broadcast news which is consistently reliable and authoritative, accurate, objective, and comprehensive. Especially in a country like India, where the total literacy level is low, the broadcasting has to be designed in such a way that even the illiterate are able to understand the contents. This principle also embraces the need for the broadcasting to have the much needed authoritative tone which really raises issues in any parts of development of the country. The broadcasting should also contain news which are accurate and objective too.

Diversity of programming is another important principle maintained amongst the Indian broadcasting. With the immense diversity in the country, the need for bringing out thoughts and ideas suiting to the many different cultures and regions of the country in an ample need which has to be considered and worked on. Sometimes even the same content of news may have to be redesigned in such a way that would suite a particular region or ethnicity of country. The selection of the genre of programmes also need to be perfectly suitable for the different diverse cultures and regions.

Another important principle is the Provision for Minority. India, with such a huge diversity has many minorities whose issues need to be addressed well. Because the number of the minority is less, their own actions may not bring the much needed concern or even may not make the impact. In such a context, it is the effective broadcasting media’s responsibility to make the issues be realized by the concerned authorities or may be to explain their problems or issues to the public.

Providing information about development in each region and awareness. Indian broadcasting, being an important part of the development of the country, has the responsibility of informing and raising issues related with the development of the country. Let it be economic, social, spiritual or cultural well-being of the country, the radio and television organizations follow the principle of involving themselves in the valuable part of helping the development to be sustainable. Coupled with this, the awareness needed in the country regarding any issues also is put down as a principle of the broadcasting media. It can be the awareness needed in the political arena, or may be any health issues or even the nation’s own security. Media is expected to play this role having it as one of its important principles.

With some of these above mentioned and principles, there are also many other such as, a balanced and comprehensive projection of Indian thought and institutions, reflecting the diversity of Indian culture and society, programming to meet needs which remain unserved by the totality of media voices available to the people of certain regions, variety of opinions and voices from within particular states and regions prevented by censorship or repression from speaking to their fellow countrymen, are also important.

Thus, the principles of radio and television broadcasting in India seems to be able to look towards the needs of a developing democratic country. But the media should be given the fullest support and space to make itself available with integrity, which will be helpful in the achievement of producing a system of broadcasting which will uphold the necessities of the principles of broadcasting in India.


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